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Numbered rankings are not an indication of project strength. All projects are ranked equally, despite listing position.
1 | Te-Food (TFD)
Farm-to-table fresh food traceability
on blockchain
Data provided by Coinranking.com
Recent Developments
- Te-Food recently announced that they’ve been accepted by the United Nations as a partner to the Sustainable Food Systems Programme. A huge step achievement.
- TE-Food released various updates regarding tokenization, Sleeping Masternodes, the TFD Token Swap and changes made to the original Roadmap.
- Erik Arakszallasi, CEO of Te-Food was recently invited as a speaker to the GS1 Traceability Strategy Workshop in Dublin, Ireland. GS1 is a world leader in the traceability industry.
- TE-FOOD is a farm-to-table traceability solution, covering all logistics and food quality activities and data management of the supply chain. It provides cost effective software and identification tools to make livestock and fresh food supply information transparent.
Future Events
- Q3 and Q4 2018 will see several traceability solutions developed further. Fish and Seafood tracking is on the way and new developments such as Animal Antibiotics traceability aren’t too far off. AI based smart pandemic forecasting and alarm modules for the National Livestock Registration System is in plans as well.
- Q1 2019 will see the launch of the Te-Food Marketplace which will extend logistical and food safety data, with trading possibilities for conditional smart contracts. Food safety sensor tools are also due in Q1 but like the Team states in their recent update, Roadmap milestones can be altered depending on market conditions. The team is more concerned with getting immediate usage of the blockchain first.
- Masternode registration is still open. Sleeping Masternodes have become necessary due to the huge amount of interest, especially in the Reputation Discounting Feature.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
2 | Metal (MTL)
The Easiest Way To Send Money
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Metal recently released their MetalPay App on the Apple App Store to selected areas. More regions are no doubt on the way. The app allows easy tranfers of Crypto and Fiat P2P. Users are rewarded for transfers.
- Metal’s Crumbs App has recently entered the Beta phase, allowing users to make small purchases of supported Cryptocurrencies through spare change via the app.
- Metal attended TokenFest 2018 where they showed off their MetalPay app right before the iOS launch. Great timing by the Team, Marketing has been on point lately.
- METAL is the native currency. METAL is fairly distributed through a process known as: Proof of Payments Processed (PoPP). When you send money or make purchases you earn a little reward in METAL for every dollar you spend.
Future Events
- We don’t have specific Roadmap dates for future applications but Metal has offered up several applications that are currently in the works. Metal Vault, Pay, Merchant, Desk & Blockchain along with Crumbs are all planned and with the recent release of MetalPay and Crumbs, you can look forward to the other apps releasing over quarters.
- The MetalPay app will become available to different regions, opening up to customers from the rest of the world.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
3 | Odyssey (OCN)
The Future of the Decentralized Sharing Economy
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- To give back to OCNEx’s community growth and to support investors, OCN is initiating an OCN buyback program using OCNEx’s platform revenue. Great to see the Team taking the right steps in the current bear market.
- August saw the successful launch of the OCNEx Exchange, a huge step for the project.
- Odyssey’s mission is to build the next-generation Decentralized Sharing Economy & peer-to-peer ecosystem. Odyssey aims to reduce overall operating cost, increase marketplace efficiency and boost ROI of product & service providers in the global sharing economy & peer-to-peer ecosystem.
Future Events
- Odyssey has quite a long Roadmap ahead. 2019 will see Odyssey attempt to bypass Ethereums scaling issues by enabling off-chain transactions. Various other integrations and developments will be made over the course of the year.
- Supernode plans are apparently in development. Investors still have a long while ahead to accumulate OCN to secure a way of passive earning.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
4 | Winding Tree (LIF)
Decentralized Travel Ecosystem
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Winding Trees Github has been incredibly consistent this year. The development progress has been some of the most consistent we’ve seen from a blockchain project.
- Winding Tree recently announced their Hackathon which will be held in October 2018. Developers, Startups, Airlines, Hotels and Industry Experts are encouraged to attend and see what Winding Tree is capable of. Distributed Storage, Airline APIs, State Channels, Dynamic Pricing and ENSs are all featured as real world industry challenges in their announcement. This will be a very exciting Hackathon.
- Travel distribution without intermediaries. Winding Tree is a blockchain-based decentralized open-source travel distribution platform. They make travel cheaper for the end user, while making it more profitable for suppliers. Winding Tree Foundation is a non-profit organization incorporated in Switzerland. Its purpose is to develop software projects, data exchange standards and infrastructure with the goal of advancing the travel industry.
Future Events
- Q4 2018 will see Widing Tree launch their Testnet and Mainnet, according to their Roadmap. The V1.0 Beta will be released and usable in the real world. It will run on the Ethereum Mainnet and include APIs for PMS, Public Demo Apps, The Winding Tree Explorer and the LIF Wallet.
- Winding Tree are yet to publish their 2019 Roadmap but we are very excited to see what they have in store. With all the progress made behind the scenes in 2018, it’ll be a thrill to see what they can accomplish now that they’re ready to test things out in the real world.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
5 | Genesis Vision (GVT)
The Next Step in Financial Markets Evolution.
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Genesis Vision has been having an incredible week, up 96% over 7 days. A lot of investors are getting excited over the Roadmap being pretty much all ticked off. The only thing Genesis Vision has in store for the community now is scheduled in for the 30th of October, suffice to say it’ll be a big one.
- Genesis Vision has had some solid marketing and have been listening to their investors quite a bit.
- The first platform for the
private trust management market,
built on Blockchain technology
and Smart Contracts. Genesis Vision combines exchanges, brokers, traders and investors into a decentralized, open and honest network, making the financial market even more global..
Future Events
- All eyes are on the big release schedule Genesis Vision has pinned to the top of their Twitter. October 30th will no doubt be a big day for the project. We’ll just have to wait and see what the Team have in store.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score