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1 | Vertcoin (VTC)
The Peoples Coin
Data provided by Coinranking.com
Recent Developments
- Vertcoin have really been pushing the news on their Crypto App Project, a piece of physical hardware designed to make peer-to-peertransactions super easy. What’s cool about this is that Businesses can get involved by assembling and selling their own Boxes & Terminals. Exciting stuff happening here.
- If you’re following Vertcoin on Twitter, you’ll see a few updates regarding Vertpig and Vertbase. Two very good looking applications that will make VTC way more accessible than it has been for the past few years.
- Price action has been pretty plain, not a lot happening. Considering VTC has been so highly respected since their start back in 2014, we’re confident VTC will see all-time-highs once the market turns around, especially with all of this new tech under their belt.
- Vertcoin is the easiest way to transact at a very low cost, meaning credit cards no longer have a monopoly on the finance industry. Vertcoin has been around since 2014 with a dedicated worldwide community of full nodes, it has one of the highest full node counts of any cryptocurrency.
Send and receive money on any platform that accepts Vertcoin because they are all compatible as they use the same open technology. Vertcoin is always ready to send.
Future Events
- Mentioned in our “Recent Events” section, Vertpig will be getting an overhaul and the UI look great. From what we can see fiat pairs will be included here which is obviously opening VTC up to a vast audience who can’t be bothered or are unable to purchase BTC, ETH, LTC, etc to swap for VTC.
- Onboarding is clearly in full flow here and it only makes sense for it to be a focus. Being a community project, Vertcoin can’t jump around paying exchange listing fees to everybody with their hand out. Creating their own way of improving liquidity/volume is something others should pay attention to.
- Not too much else happening. We’ve included Vertcoin here due to our belief that VTC gets overlooked a lot, even though they’ve advanced and developed their project in leaps over the past 6 months. Keeping eyes on VTC.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
2 | Pundi-X (NPXS)
Buy, Sell, Accept Cryptocurrency
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Pundi X recently wrapped up their PXS to NPXS (and PXSXEM to NPXSXEM) token swap. Over 6 months the PXS token was swapped out for the NPXS token which improved the tokenomics drastically. Well done to the PundiX Team for a smooth swap.
- Pundi X attended Ultra Music Festival in Taiwan to provide over 50 payment facilities to over 30,000 people. This is by far one of the largest real world tests we’ve seen a project like Pundi X perform. While so many projects are focused on cards, apps, etc, Pundi X is out there already showing their technology being used by real people.
- Pundi X detailed their f(x) mainnet/blockchain which will help the proejct overcome several limitations. f(x) really opens up the gates to developers who want to develop for the XPOS platform which will only see the network grow exponentially from there. Awesome progress over August/September.
- Pundi X is empowering blockchain developers and token holders to sell cryptocurrency and services at any physical store in the world. Making cryptocurrency accessible to everyone. Pundi XPOS not only facilitates cryptocurrency payment or transactions but also accepts transactions through mobile wallets and bank cards. Our POS solution can support retail intelligence, inventory management, order management, marketing and loyalty programs. Pundi XPOS device is an all-in-one solution for retailers.
Future Events
- As of August 1st, 2018, Pundi X started shipping 5,000 of their XPOS machines out to the UK, Switzerland, Brazil, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia. It’s only a matterof time before the recipients are successfully onboarded and another 5,000 XPOS units are up and running. Pay close attention to Pundi X’s movements in South America, they’ve just expanded and are already making great progress in that area.
- From what we can see, 50,000 XPOS units up and running by Q1 2019 is not an overestimation, the Team has been making some serious progress this past month. Q4 2018 should see 3rd party apps start to launch on existing XPOS units and 20,000 XPOS units should be delivered.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
3 | Request Network (REQ)
The Future of Commerce
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Request Network recently released their new app, Request Donations. A collaboration project, users can no accept cryptocurrency donations on their website in minutes. Request Network, MakerDAO, OmiseGO, DigixDAO, KyberNetwork and Ethereum donations are all available.
- Request Networks app “Request Crowd” is now open source on their Github, the app will enable developers to create their own crowdfunding products using Request. Crowdfunding on the blockchain only makes sense due to many centralized models either taking enormous cuts from the funding or banning/removing campaigns they find violate their rules. Crowdfunding will soon be decentralized and censorship resistant.
- Request is a decentralized network that allows anyone to request a payment (a Request Invoice)for which the recipient can pay in a secure way. All of the information is stored in a decentralized authentic ledger. This results in cheaper, easier, and more secure payments, and it allows for a wide range of automation possibilities.
Future Events
- We got to see a preview of the upcoming Request Mobile Wallet. The Request Mobile Wallet is a simple way to secure, store and use your ETH, ERC20, ERC233 and ERC721 tokens in a fully-decentralised and trust-less way and is completely free. The Wallet will even enable you to interact with decentralized applications through a built-in Web3 Browser. Check out the huge list of features here.
- Request Network has more or less dissolved their original roadmap structure into a more fluid system which we think is a welcomed change. Too many people are caught up with deadlines and milestones resulting in expectations being kept high and if a delay occurs, everything comes crashing down. Because Request doesn’t have a solid roadmap we don’t have much else to mention in this section. We highly recommend following their Official Twitter for the latest upcoming events.
- We can expect the next few developments to include Request own Explorer, Cross-currency payments and documentation detailing how developers can add their currencies into the platform.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
4 | Adex (ADX)
Blockchain-Based Ad Network
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Adex recently teamed up with Kind Ads. Both very similar projects, it only makes sense to explore this very untouched area of blockchain together. They’ll work together to advertise and educate decentralized advertising to important people in the currently centralized industry. Advertisers and Publishers are the people who need to see the opportunities and advantages of a decentralized model over a centralized one. Great partnership, slow and steady.
- Adex recently detailed their new way of thinking. In the beginning of 2019, Adex will start to roll out an entire protocol for blockchain-based advertising. This will not only benefit Adex but the entire decentralized advertising space. To be honest, this is an incredible step forward for the Team. Taking the first step to creating a universal protocol for decentralized advertising is something that the current competition should be taking notice of.
- AdEx is a blockchain-based ad exchange aiming at disrupting the existing online advertising landscape and address its significant problems: advertising fraud, privacy and consent to receiving sponsored messages, etc. AdEx is completely transparent and built on top of Ethereum smart contracts. “We believe we can empower advertisers and publishers with a platform that is secure, transparent and beneficial for all the parties involved in the process, consumers included.”
Future Events
- As previously mentioned, Adex will be rolling out their own “Adex Protocol” in the early parts of 2019. This is a huge step forward and they aren’t setting any hard dates which is great. You can view their progress on the official Adex Network Github
- Adoption will be a continued effort. Simply due to the nature of the industry, there probably isn’t a lot more that can be done without the feedback from Publishers and Advertisers. Added Features and enhancing user experience will remain in the works as the Team move towards the long term Protocol/Dapps milestones. (Full Roadmap Here)
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
5 | OST (OST)
Empowering New Economies
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- OST recently detailed their latest advancement in scaling, OpenST Mosaic. OpenST Mosaic is a viable on-chain solution for scaling apps on Ethereum to billions of users, without requiring any upgrades to Ethereum as it works today. Mosaic will also scale even further with future upgrades to Ethereum as they are released. Check out the full release here.
- OST recently partnered with Animoca Brands, a leading public game publisher listed on the ASX with over 300 million downloads of their games. The strategic partnership with OST will allow Animoca Brands the ability to develop Blockchain games using OST technology and OpenST/Mosaic Protocols. Check out the full release here.
- The price action of OST has been pretty insane lately considering the state of the market. Up over 70% in a 7 day period and over 40% over 30 days, OST is having a great time. At first you may think it’s another Altcoin having a run for no reason which we have seen time after time again in this bear trend but if you take a look at what OST has been doing, it all makes sense! Huge developments, big partnerships, great work.
- OST is a public blockchain platform for businesses with millions of users. Launch your own Branded Tokens and turn your business into a dynamic ecosystem. OST KIT gives you all the tools you need to run your blockchain-powered economy on open scalable sidechains. No need to go through an ICO: Launch your own Branded Token within minutes.
Future Events
- Q4 2018 should see Test integrations of OST on the Mainnet. Scaling is obviously a big focus at the moment with Ethereum being stuck in development hell. OST is taking the right step forward in producing their own solutions to scaling. OST KIT Alpha 4 will also be available to developers through a bounty program to help test scalability, performance and security of OST.
- In Q1 2019, OpenST and OST should be available on the Mainnet for public betas, enabling developers to start launching their Branded Token economies. This is one of the biggest selling points of OST and it’ll be great to see a huge feature such as Branded Tokens be used by real developers.
- OSTs full roadmap extends out into 2021, but we won’t list anything further than Q1 2019 due to possible changes to the Roadmap in the meantime. Check out their full roadmap.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score