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Numbered rankings are not an indication of project strength. All projects are ranked equally, despite listing position.
1 | Winding Tree (LIF)
A Decentralize Travel Ecosystem
Data provided by Coingecko.com
Recent Developments
- Winding Trees Github has been incredibly consistent this year. The development progress has been some of the most consistent we’ve seen from a blockchain project. Investors need to understand that Winding Tree is building a solution that You and I aren’t necessarily going to be able to get hands-on with. The aim of the project is more Enterprise/b2b focused and because of this, it’s pretty normal to see a huge amount of development activity without much for investors to “see”. Keep up to date with their Telegram, Medium & Twitter.
- A Hackathon is planned for the 24th-25th of October 2018. Developers, Startups, Airlines, Hotels and Industry Experts are encouraged to attend and see what Winding Tree is capable of. Distributed Storage, Airline APIs, State Channels, Dynamic Pricing and ENSs are all featured as real world industry challenges in their announcement. This will be a very exciting Hackathon.
- Winding Tree recently announced their Partnership with Air France KLM, another huge step into the European market. The Partnerships that WT have managed to secure are so important and impressive
- Travel distribution without intermediaries. Winding Tree is a blockchain-based decentralized open-source travel distribution platform. They make travel cheaper for the end user, while making it more profitable for suppliers. Winding Tree Foundation is a non-profit organization incorporated in Switzerland. Its purpose is to develop software projects, data exchange standards and infrastructure with the goal of advancing the travel industry.
Future Events
- Q4 2018 will see Winding Tree launch their Testnet and Mainnet, according to their Roadmap. The V1.0 Beta will be released and usable in the real world. It will run on the Ethereum Mainnet and include APIs for PMS, Public Demo Apps, The Winding Tree Explorer and the LIF Wallet.
- Winding Tree are yet to publish their 2019 Roadmap but we are very excited to see what they have in store. With all the progress made behind the scenes in 2018, it’ll be a thrill to see what they can accomplish now that they’re ready to test things out in the real world.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
2 | Dadi (DADI)
Decentralized Web Services
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Dadi recently updated their Roadmap by expanding on upcoming quarters where possible. Plenty to get excited about.
- Dadi have added an instant exchange which will enable investors/users to easily purchase the DADI token through Coinswitch. Between integration with Coinswitch and their partnership with LBX, Dadi is doing a lot to make sure DADI is super accessible.
- DADI recently appointment David Wilde as an advisor. David has over 30 years in central and local government leadership spanning policy, large scale operations, strategy, technology, digital and whole service transformation.
- DADI is a global, decentralized cloud platform, focused on the provision of web services to help you build, scale and grow your digital products. DADI’s web services are organized around a microservices architecture that provides a series of intelligent apps for building digital products.
Future Events
- Q4 should see Founding Nodes go online with the ability for those with devices to visualize their earnings and withdraw funds from their Account. We should also see their full public release of the self-serve DADI network, allowing customers to access and set up CDN via dadi.cloud. A huge step for the project.
- Q1 2019 should see a shop added to dadi.cloud allowing the purchase of DADI goods ranging from merchandise and connected devices. Their next app “Store” will be network-ready, allowing for data storage with built-in security, privacy and redundancy. Mac & Windows Desktop Apps should be available during this quarter, too.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
3 | Devery (EVE)
Blockchain & Supply Chain
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Devery recently partnered up with Nuggets. The two companies will work on blockchain-based solutions to improve efficiency and strengthen supply ecosystems. Nuggets has partnerships with Storiqa, Credits and even QFPay , the Chinese payment provider used by WeChat and Alipay.
- Devery was recently mentioned in Forbes’ “9 Blockchain And Cryptocurrency Companies All Set For 2019”.
- Leading up to Devery’s Hackathon, the Team released DeveryJS. “It is the foundational layer aiming to serve to abstract the complexity of building on the blockchain.
- Devery is a blockchain startup focused on secure product verification and counterfeit protection. Our technology aims to help brands improve customer engagement, prevent counterfeiting, prove provenance and track products throughout its lifecycle. Devery provides toolsets and applications for individuals and companies to verify products along the supply chain using blockchain technology.
Future Events
- The most up-to-date roadmap we can find is located here. It ties up at the end of October 2018 so we can expect some sort of update from the Team in the next few weeks.
- According to the Roadmap linked above, the Devery app for iOS is expected to launch. We haven’t heard any news on this one and considering it is listed in the last section of the Roadmap, there may have been a delay. Check in with their Twitter for updates.
- We can look forward to the results of the Devery Hackathon which should wrap up on October 14th. The next few weeks should be pretty interesting as we see what Teams were able to do with Devery.
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
4 | Kin (KIN)
A Decentralized Economy
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- Kin recently put out their Q3 Highlights on Medium. The biggest highlights are what you would expect. The Kinit Beta on Android and iOS was released to the US and Israel with a ton of praise from the community. Over 17,700 verified users are on Kinit and users are using checking in and using the app 13 days out of the month. More stats.
- Kin recently partnered up with Perfect365, the world’s largest AR beauty community. “The teams flew from China and Tel Aviv to meet for two days in San Francisco for a product workshop, which led to Kin going live five weeks later and more use cases are planned to launch throughout Q4.”
- Tech updates have been incredibly consistent, plenty for the tech savvy Investor to gush over. Great to see so much is going on in the background.
- Related to the word “kinship” and conveying a feeling of being connected to community, the Kin cryptocurrency is designed specifically to bring people together in a new shared economy and will serve as the foundation for a decentralized ecosystem of digital services.
Future Events
- “Demo Day” as the community is calling it is the day that the 40+ developers involved in the Kin Developer Program are expected to provide a Demo of their integrations with KIN. October 15th is the day! This is a huge step for Kin, Demo Day is going to show the crypto-space just how easily KIN can be integrated into an app in any genre to reward and incentivize users. We can’t wait to see what is in store.
- We can expect to see continued, organic growth from Kin as it spreads out into the hands of people who aren’t necessarily familiar with Cryptocurrency. The more Earn, and more importantly, Spend opportunities that are available, the better!
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score
5 | Te-Food (TFD)
Farm-to-table fresh food traceability on blockchain
Data provided by CoinRanking.com
Recent Developments
- It looks like Te-Food has pretty much covered this part for us. They recently released their Q3 2018 report which shows just how far they’ve come in 3 short months.
- Q3 partnerships include: The Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Sustainable Food Systems Programme of the United Nations, TomoChain, QSM, GS1 and they’ve even been selected to join TERRA Food & AgTech Accelerator’s program. We can’t wait to see what Te-Food can achieve in Q4.
- TE-FOOD is a farm-to-table traceability solution, covering all logistics and food quality activities and data management of the supply chain. It provides cost effective software and identification tools to make livestock and fresh food supply information transparent.
Future Events
- Q3 and Q4 2018 will see several traceability solutions developed further. Fish and Seafood tracking is on the way and new developments such as Animal Antibiotics traceability aren’t too far off. AI based smart pandemic forecasting and alarm modules for the National Livestock Registration System is in plans as well.
- Q1 2019 will see the launch of the Te-Food Marketplace which will extend logistical and food safety data, with trading possibilities for conditional smart contracts. Food safety sensor tools are also due in Q1 but like the Team states in their recent update, Roadmap milestones can be altered depending on market conditions. The team is more concerned with getting immediate usage of the blockchain first.
- Masternode registration is still open. Sleeping Masternodes have become necessary due to the huge amount of interest, especially in the Reputation Discounting Feature. Te-Food recently expanded on Masternode Conditions and Returns
ROI Potential
Future Developments
Overall Score